tons at a time!

tons at a time!

Transforming Textiles Into Treasures


  • Mattress Recycling/Reuse Programs - Drop Off/Pick Up

    What should users know about the booking process? Better descriptions result in more sales.

  • Design/Build /New Construction

    Info for Architects, Demo Teams, Haulers, Consultants

  • Putting Textiles To Use

    RRI's Innovative End Products For A Circular Economy

  • Landmarks/Non-Municipal Entities


    Collection/Recycling & Sustainability Reporting for Government/Private Landmarks & Service Related Entities

  • Full Services

    Direct-to-Consumer Booking, Pick Up, Reporting Services For Mattress Manufacturers, Distributors, Sellers, Renovators & Sellers

🌏 BENEFITS of Mattress Recycling♻️

Mattress Recycling/Reuse Programs - Drop Off/Pick Up

What should we know about the services you provide? Better descriptions result in more sales.

Saving The Earth

Saving The Earth

A Ton Of Textiles At A Time!

A Ton Of Textiles At A Time!

New Construction

Items In Demo-Ready Buildings




Materials include but are not limited to:




•Mattresses, Box Springs & Frames

•Any Metal items

•Carpet & Padding



•Acoustic Ceiling Tiles

•Vinyl Tile

•E-Waste: computers, TV’s, printers, tablets, cell phones

•Light Fixtures

•All Glass jars & bottles


•Material Window treatments

•Clothing textiles





•Sheet Rock

•Asbestos / Hazardous materials


•Marble/Precious stones

•Furniture (aside from bedding items)


•Windows & Doors

Putting Textiles To Use

Putting Textiles To Use

What should we know about this product? How is it made, how much does it cost, what color and size is it? Better descriptions result in more sales.

Landmarks/Non-Municipal Entities

Name — $10

Add your pricing strategy. Be sure to include important details like value, length of service, and why it’s unique.

Name — $20

Add your pricing strategy. Be sure to include important details like value, length of service, and why it’s unique.

Our FULL Services

  • Description text goes here
  • Description text goes here
  • Item description
  • Description text goes here

About Renewable Recycling, Inc

Incepted in 2014, RRI began its mission to ‘Save The Earth, One Mattress At A Time’.

Incepted in 2014, RRI began its mission to ‘Save The Earth, One Mattress At A Time’.

A decade later, we have expanded to include carpet, various metal and foam textiles for recycle & reuse to be manufactured into sustainable products.

Renewable Recycling, Inc. partners with a plethora of organizations in diverse industries across the East Coast, to implement comprehensive Recycle/Reuse programs to put an end to the needless dumping of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) into landfills.

Renewable Recycling Inc. provides critical Sustainability Reports through its unique recycling process that details tonnage diversion for each textile we process for our clients. 

Renewable Recycling, Inc. has created and made available, unique Re-Use products manufactured with up to 70% of recycled textiles! 

We have truly come full circle in our Recycle, Rethink & Reuse Initiatives for a Circular Success Story!

We Couldn’t Have Done It Without Our Countless Sustainability Partners, From Organizations To Local Residents!

Renewable Recycling, Inc. works with local businesses, institutions, universities, community services, mattress companies, hotels, hostels, and government agencies to create, support, and implement mattress recycling programs to put an end to the needless dumping of mattresses into our landfills. 
In addition to setting up partnerships to serve the community we provide mattress pick up, drop off processing, on site recycling, and the resale of reusable materials by the ton.
Renewable Recycling, Inc. is a New York State and New York City Certified, Woman-Owned Business Enterprise (WBE) and DEC Certified Solid Waste Recycling Facility.

Christine M. Kiourtsis, President and Founder of Renewable Recycling, Inc. (RRI), is a leader in the Recycle/Reuse Industry, with proven methodologies utilizing textiles recycled from mattresses, and various products containing textiles of the like.

Christine has been recognized as a leader in the Mattress Recycling Industry from such prestigious organizations as, International Sleep Products Association, NYS and NJ Solid Waste Federations and NYS Association of Reduce, Recycle & Reuse.

Through relationships with certified agencies and synergies with organizations that offer innovative Reuse technologies, Christine has contrived landfill diversion formulas for textiles and has introduced proven Reuse products for a true Circular Economy Success story!

Quote Source

“It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business.”

Quote Source

“It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business.”