• We are the only woman-owned DEC certified 360-degree mattress recycling facility in the Greater New York area. Our mattress recycling technicians process each mattress on-site, and oversee every step of the process in an environmentally conscious way!

  • Absolutely. It is truly mind boggling to really look at the positive impact recycling your mattress has on the environment. To get a full picture, we invite you to check out our 'Why Recycle' page - here.

  • We wish we could provide this service for free but until we are able to create partnerships with city officials to create municipal mattress recycling programs throughout Long Island and New York; We are funding everything privately. Until that day - You are the community leaders we get to work with. Our partnership is with you.

    Together, we can start making a difference now by transforming every mattress that comes into our facility into reusable materials as opposed to letting them sit and decompose in our landfills for the next 50 years.

  • Make Your Wishes Known

    Our mission is to be able to create partnerships with city officials and decision makers in every neighborhood, city, town, village and district on Long Island and New York. A great way to help make that happen is to let your elected officials and representatives know that this is what you want. To sign a petition to communicate your desire for a community program to get started in your neck of the woods, please visit this page - here.

    Use Social Media. Raise Awareness.

    As we make our way to our ultimate goal the other way you can help is by following us on your favorite social media platform and tell people in your network about us. It is the most powerful and effective tool that we have to spread the word and raise awareness about what we are doing than a personal endorsement within your circle of family, friends, and colleagues in your own voice. Just click on the icon of your favorite social media resource or envelope to sign up for our newsletter below.