Christine Kiourtsis, Co-Owner & President
Our Ultimate Goal is to see to it that each and every used mattress is picked up and properly recycled. Used mattresses will never again be carelessly discarded in front of houses/buildings or dumpsites and carted off to landfills where they contaminate the ecosystem and waste stream.
Until we reach this ultimate goal, our mission is to provide pick-up and drop-off service for mattresses to be recycled properly and responsibly.
Upon working under Michael Hawksby, Partner of The MaxSam Group, a business development and operations company, during a featured health & fitness community event, Christine and Michael struck up the conversation of used and discarded mattresses.
When setting up for the event, they were dismayed to find a used mattress and box spring left carelessly on otherwise well-kept grounds. Not only was this an eyesore, but these pieces posed as potential safety and health hazards.
Used mattresses are potential breeding grounds for bacteria and chemicals to absorb into them and for dust mites, bed bugs and other organisms to breed off of. Further, all of these contaminants leak into the soil and waste streams when left out in the elements. Box springs are mostly comprised of wood and metal, which pose a potential safety hazard if any parts are broken off and/or rusted.
After passionate discussion regarding these problem mattresses, Christine and Michael set about research on the process of mattress removal and recycling. What they found was more upsetting. Over 90% of used mattresses are carted off to landfills where they are dumped off. Used mattresses are filled with bodily contaminants, dust mites and some even infested with bed bugs and other hazards. These mattresses take up to 100 years for their parts to decompose. Contaminants seep into the soil, the waste stream and into the air while the mattresses lay in the landfills.
Further research showed that there were no companies in the greater New York area providing pick-up and proper recycling services for used mattresses so they wouldn’t wind up being dumped off to these landfills.
With Christine’s personal passion and obligation toward helping enhance quality of life and Michael’s business sense and drive toward communities, they set about forming Renewable Recycling, Inc. This was a true calling for the both of them.
They know their belief in this company and its potential to do great things for communities and the environment is only the first step. Christine was quoted, “We cannot be successful in our goal to fulfill our mission without the help of the individual and related companies/institutions in getting those mattresses to us so they can be recycled properly and safely. This company is one that belongs not only to us, but the people who wish to make a difference in their quality of life and our eco-system, as well as future generations.”
Renewable Recycling, Inc.’s aim is to partner with as many municipalities, mattress companies, hospitals, nursing homes, military institutions, home-owners, landlords and tenants as possible and take a responsible initiative to conserve our Earth’s most precious resources, (land, water and air), to deliver the highest quality of life. Together we can make this happen ONE MATTRESS AT A TIME!