I am envisioning an actual photo depiction of the planet EARTH.  Within this planet, it will be sectioned off, much like a pie chart.

Each slice/section will represent the various business models RRI has within its wheel house. 

  1. Mattress Recycling/Reuse Programs - Drop Off/Pick Up (this section will have a 40% chunk of the pie) Within this section, CLICK LINK to area of Interest: 

    1. Resident Mattress Pick up / Drop off Services (scheduling a pick up)

    2. Property Management Companies Public & Private - Setting up a Mattress Collection/Recycling program for particular developments

    3. Municipalities - Setting up a Mattress Collection/Recycling Program 

    4. Hotels/Universities - Mattress, Carpet & Textile Clean Out Projects

  2. Design/Build/New Construction - Pre-Demo Clean Out of Recyclable Textiles(This section will have a 15% chunk of the pie)

           Architects, Demo Teams, Haulers, Consultants: Re-Thinking Circularity In Design/Build: RRI provides Collection/Recycling Services  & Landfill Diversion Sustainability Reporting

3. Putting Textiles To Use: RRI's Innovative End Products For A Circular Economy: 

  •  Sustainable Sandbags 40:60  (40% recycled textiles: 60% sand)

  • Blow in Insulation Product   65:35 (25% of pie) (65% recycled textiles 35%  non-combustible, non toxic ingredients)

5. Landmarks/Non-Municipal Entities: 
Collection/Recycling & Sustainability Reporting for Government/Private Landmarks & Service Related Entities- (This section will have 10% OR 20% of the pie chart)

6. (Optional)  RRI's Calendar of Participating Forums, Panels & Conferences - (or should this be a link at the top menu?)  OR link for partner programs ?  


Who We Are             

Who We Serve  

Our MIssion                     

Sustainability Partners   

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